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The Love List (Week 371)

Just looking at this study brings instant relaxation. Click through to see the clever use of mixed woods on the built-in

My Disney princess loving heart couldn't love this more

I'm looking forward to this Netflix release

Love the look of these stoneware jars

What do you think of these kitchen trends? I'm totally on board with #6

Jessica Helgerson can do no wrong. I feel transported in time by this home with its quiet elegance and vintage charm

How to bring french girl style into your home

Serena and Lily has their bedding sale on. This vintage block print duvet is quite pretty and I love the cheery colour of this one

Do you track your habits? I'm intrigued by the idea of tracking small & specific daily habits like "read 1 page" or "do 1 pushup". Totally achievable and imagine how much you can achieve in 1 year. BTW, I totally recommend his book and his newsletter

Note: Affiliate links have been used in this post for shopping convenience

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