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Caitlin Wilson Rug Look for Less

I've started to work on our next renovation project, Chloe's bedroom. She wants a blue and white room and one of the first tings I'm trying to source is a blue rug. But not just any blue. Call it light blue, baby blue, periwinkle, French blue... it's that elusive shade of blue that's soft and pretty with just the slightest hint of lilac. And no rugs feature that particular blue better than Caitlin Wilson rugs. Just look at these rooms:

Caitlin Wilson knock off rug, french blue rug, light blue rug, pretty blue rug, Caitlin wilson rugs

Caitlin Wilson knock off rug, french blue rug, light blue rug, pretty blue rug, Caitlin wilson rugs
Caitlin Wilson knock off rug, french blue rug, light blue rug, pretty blue rug

All that prettiness though comes at a price. I love love love Caitlin Wilson's rugs but at around $1100 US for a 5'x7' rug, these beauties are not what you would call budget friendly. And so I set off on my search for a cheaper version.

Could I find a Caitlin Wilson knock off rug that had that soft pretty feel?

I'll tell you, it's super easy to find navy area rugs, bright aqua area rugs or teal area rugs... but soft blue rugs? Not so easy! But, I did manage to find some alternatives reminiscent of Caitlin Wilson's style and I thought I'd share them in you too were in search of a soft blue area rug. You can find the Caitlin Wilson rug look on a budget ;)


Note: affiliate links have been used in this post

Caitlin Wilson knock off rug, french blue rug, light blue rug, pretty blue rug, Caitlin Wilson rug

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 (similar) - 8 - 9 - 10
11 - 12 - 13 - 14 (similar) - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20

Caitlin Wilson rugs have a style that's difficult to replicate and trust me, if I had the funds, I'd be scooping up her original rugs for every room in our house. But until that money fairy comes by,  a Caitlin Wilson knock off rug or lookalike rug will do me just fine.


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