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Summer Lawn Progress - and a New Fence!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of TruGreen. The opinions and text are all mine.

As the summer starts to wind down, Sean and I are starting to focus on the home projects we still need to finish up. I'm happy to say that one thing we've managed finish up is small improvements to our front yard. A few weeks ago, I shared with you that I was working with TruGreen this summer. We needed their help to get our lawn back in order and I thought I would share the progress.

trugreen lawn service, trugreen lawn care
trugreen lawn service, trugreen lawn care

Overall, the lawn is looking better with fewer weeds and more even growth. TruGreen has been out to our house four times now to apply fertilizer and weed control. I was only at home during one of the service calls and was able to talk to the technician and get his feedback. The other times, he's left a detailed note with his observations on our lawn and recommendations (ahem, water your lawn please!) and suggestions like getting grub control. TruGreen also called ahead of the visits to let me know they were coming and after the visits to follow up which I appreciated.

trugreen lawn service, trugreen lawn care

We've had dry conditions this summer and as we've been away at the cottage a lot, I do admit we haven't watered the lawn as much as we should have. Hence, the brown patches. I know ample watering is critical to getting a good lawn, especially after the treatments, so we need to commit to doing better at that.

trugreen lawn service, trugreen lawn care

I've noticed less patchiness in the grass too though there are still some bare spots. Just this week though, TruGreen did aerate and overseed so I'm hopeful the lawn will recover well as we head into the fall. We also have a lot of trees on our property which compete with the lawn for moisture. I'm resigned to the fact that there are areas like at the base of this big maple tree where the deep roots stretch across the lawn where grass just won't ever grow. Here's what the area above looked like Before:

trugreen lawn service, trugreen lawn care

At least it's looking more even, if not a little dry (again).

One area that has had a vast improvement is the lawn in front of our fence. Here's the very sad looking Before, complete with the 20 year old, falling down treehouse:

trugreen lawn service, trugreen lawn care

And here it is now:

trugreen lawn service, trugreen lawn care

Ta da! The lawn and the fence are looking so much better. Sean tore down the treehouse to the cheers of our neighbours and replaced the broken lattice with new fence boards.

trugreen lawn service, trugreen lawn care

We planted Bombshell hydrangeas along the fence. I know they're looking a little limp and wobbly now, but come next spring, they should be much stronger, fuller, and thriving. And I have plans for that fence too... give us a couple of rain-free days and we'll have that fence painted white!! I can't wait! Speaking of painting, here's a few other things TruGreen suggests you can do to spruce up your yard:

And that's how things look today. It was great to have TruGreen around to give our lawn some attention this summer. I've never used a lawn care service before and was happy with the service they provided. We plan on using them again next summer as I've come to realize that yard work is a long game... you need to be patient and attentive and with luck you'll be rewarded with the lawn of your dreams. We're on our way there!

trugreen lawn service, trugreen lawn care

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