Spring In The Kitchen
Happy Wednesday friends! Today's my day to join the Seasonal Simplicity Home Tour hosted by Krista at The Happy Housie and I'm excited to show you the simple spring touches I've added around our kitchen. If you're joining here from Aniko's at Place Of My Taste, welcome! I'm Jennifer. I'm from Toronto, Canada and our home is a 1960's colonial that we moved into just over a year ago. Head here if you want to see what changes we've made to this house so far.
I wanted to share a story which, if you follow my Instagram stories, you'll know I shared there too. We've lived in this house just over a year but here's the truth... I've shared very little of this room on the blog as I really really didn't like it. Doesn't that sound terrible? It seems like a perfectly good kitchen. It has a classic black and white scheme, ample cabinetry and a spacious layout.
But every time I walk into that room, here's what I see: black granite countertops that look dirty no matter how clean they are. Cabinet knobs that fall off and doors that go wonky. Floor tiles and backsplash tiles I want to rip out. A light fixture that we cannot figure out how to turn on. A microwave that stopped working shortly after we moved in. All things that I wanted to change. All things that you probably would not have noticed if I hadn't mentioned them to you.
But maybe that's the achilles heel of being a design enthusiast? You constantly see things you want to make prettier. This kitchen never felt like "us" and so I never wanted to share it.
And then a wonderful thing happened.
I was doing some spring cleaning in this room. I cleaned the metal blinds above the kitchen sink, the ones we always have down because that window faces across our back deck and into our neighbour's house. I raised the blinds and cleaned the window... and then the glorious spring sun filled the room with light. The room shone and glistened and instantly felt different. It was like I was seeing the room for the first time.

the coloured eggs and tea towel that added a touch of spring whimsy...
and the coffee station that brings me life every morning. We use the mini copper mugs for espresso, and for individual maple syrup servings with weekend breakfast ;)
Springtime is for new beginnings and surprisingly, our kitchen feels exactly like that. I'm not planning any renovations in this room anytime soon... but I am planning to look at it, and the other rooms of our new old house, with fresh eyes. Instead of holding so tightly onto the idea of what I want this home to eventually look and feel like, I think I'll treat it with more kindness and appreciate it for what it already is.
I hope you've enjoyed my kitchen tour. Now I hope you'll hop on over to Leslie's place at Deeply Southern Home and check out her spring tour! The Seasonal Simplicity Spring Tour runs until Thursday so be sure to visit all of these fabulous bloggers to see more spring decorating inspiration.
Note: affiliate links have been used in this post.



