The Perennial Perspective
The new year is a time for change, isn't it? I thought I might make a few changes here on the old blog. Nothing drastic - yes, there will still be lots of home and decor content - but I thought I'd share more of my life and my interests and bring new topics to the blog.
I've been writing this blog for over 10 years now. When I started, I was living in a two bedroom condominium with Sean, enjoying my job in project management. We were house hunting, had just written our book, and were about to be married. Life revolved around that first house and pouring our youthful energy into making it a home.
And now?

I discussed it on this podcast with Erin, but I feel there's a voice out there in blogland that's missing. It's that of the "Perennial Mom", the ageless 35-50 year old woman who doesn't feel her age, who doesn't understand millennials, who still feels relevant and connected... though to brands and social media she is not the desired demographic.
We've seen mommy bloggers and now millennial moms and in truth both ends of the spectrum - one woman hyper focused on parenting and the raw reality of it, and the other presenting a perfectly curated Instagram feed of her impossibly perfect children, home, wardrobe, hair, husband and online brand - are not ones I can relate too. I'm sure I'm not alone.
And I want to bring more of that Perennial Mom here to the blog. What does that mean? It means talking about what matters to and interests me as a wife, business-owner, child, mom, and woman. I'm still on a path of evolution and discovering myself. I find that self physically (why the heck is my face moisturizer no longer working?!), emotionally (just thinking of my 74 year old dad who has dementia can make my heart ache), and spiritually (but what does it all mean??) changing at a pace I'm not entirely comfortable with. I enjoy fashion, beauty, travel, good food and home decor but I've felt increasingly ignored by those retailers at a time when I actually have discretionary money to spend. I feel my most powerful and content, yet I find that no one is talking to me and no one is blogging about that kind of life.
Do you feel that way too? Then let's start to change the narrative.