Getting Halloween Ready
Truth be told, I'm not a big fan of Halloween. The colours, the costumes... not really my thing. But I have an 8 year old who loves this holiday so as we parents do, we make the effort, right? It was so much easier when Chloe was younger and we could make her costumes and our decor cute. But now? Everything has got to be creepy and scary.
We started with a graveyard. A few tombstones and some fallen branches do the trick. I tried to convince Sean to string the spiderweb up on our second floor siding but he had no desire to balance precariously up on the ladder to do that. Scaredy-cat! ;)
Spooky skeletons and cobwebs help make for an (un)welcoming porch. I also switched out the lightbulbs in our front door sconces for the Philips Hue lights. They'll cast an orange hue over our house and help make things extra creepy on Halloween.

And then there's Mr. Bones. He'll just be hanging out on the porch, hoping to scare the neighbourhood kids away.
Not this one though. She's ready for all of the gore and fright of Halloween night! Are you?