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Introducing In The Storyhouse Podcast

Throughout the last 10 years that I've been blogging, much has changed in the world of social media but the blog has always remained my first love. And yet, increasingly, there was something missing.

The conversation.

The community.

The platform to discuss and debate and explore ideas.

For the most part, blogs are no longer the bustling water coolers they once were; the comments are no longer there, though the readers might still be, and visitors stick around just long enough to pin an idea then dash. And I miss the discussion. I miss getting to know you, my virtual friends, on a more personal level.

If you knew me in real life, you would know that I love deep, thought-provoking, meandering conversations. I say that I fell in love with Sean because we could have hours-long conversations together. We still do. To me, conversation is important.

So when I was chatting with my friend Erin of DIY Passion and we brought up the idea of doing a podcast together, I was excited. What would we talk about? All the things that interested us both: blogging, influencer marketing, creating content, and business and life as digital entrepreneurs.

I'm very happy to share with you Episode 1 of the In The Storyhouse podcast. I always enjoy talking to Erin - she's creative, energetic, and a go-getter. I love surrounding myself with people like Erin who inspire me. Plus, the lady is a podcast whiz. You'll have to listen to learn about Erin's background and find out why she's a natural for this new venture!

As a blogger, you're forced to constantly evolve. Whether its improving your photography skills, learning all about coding and affiliate links, or getting up to speed on a new social app, there's always something new to discover. So I'm trying something new. I'm not sure where it will lead, but I know we'll have interesting discussions along the way.

If you're a blogger or interested in social media, please have a listen and let me know what you think. We'll be releasing a new episode every Friday. You can follow us on Soundcloud (and soon, find us on iTunes too). I hope you'll join us In The Storyhouse.

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