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The Love List

Jennifer's rooms are so beautifully styled

The Annie Selke Rug Design challenge is on. Have you voted for your favourite blogger-designed rug? The top 10 will be put into production. How fun!

I've long thought a narrow island would look good in our kitchen. The one in this kitchen is providing loads of inspiration

Tips for designing and decorating your outdoor space

Do you feel like you're part of 'the forgotten generation'? I've bemoaned to friends how brands these days seems geared towards millennials and we women in our 40's have been forgotten - despite our greater purchasing power. Here's hoping more advertisers start to cater to us perennials.

Love the breezeways in this barn house

Summer style ideas galore

Jen's DIY produce crate is cute and clever

And From the Feed:

  • my kind of shed
  • this new podcast intrigues me. What a great way for talented craftsman to share what they know
  • two things I love in Michelle's backyard: gravel pathways and Catalpa trees

Cheers to the weekend!

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