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Home For Life & Ticket Giveway

What does your home mean to you? For some people, home is just shelter, four walls and a roof over your head. For others, home is a refuge. As a home blogger, I'm very aware how my physical environment impacts how I feel. I decorate and fix up my home not only because I like to look at pretty things or because I enjoy doing it, but because I understand that a welcoming home can make you feel comforted, peaceful, supported, happy, and safe. I have no understanding of what it would feel like to be homeless.

When Eva’s Initiatives for Homeless Youth wrote to invite me to Home For Life, an annual home-themed marketplace and auction event hosted by Colin and Justin, I thought it would be a fun date night for Sean and me (sad truth: we only seem to go out on a date for blogger events, ha!). Looking deeper though, I appreciated their intentions. The funds raised go towards shelter, food, and programs for homeless and and at-risk youth at Eva’s Toronto shelters and transitional housing facilities. Brands like Breville, Umbra, Urban Mode, Union Lighting and Furnishings, and Bassett Furniture have donated items for the event so your bids go toward a good cause and you get the chance to take home some beautiful products too. Here's a peek at a few items up on the auction block:

A look through Eva's Initiative's instagram shows me that there's lots of other unique and fun items up for grabs. I'll be bringing my credit card!

If you'd like to join me, spend an evening enjoying great design, and support a worthy cause, I've got two tickets to giveaway. Enter by leaving a comment below finishing this sentence "Home is..." and follow the Rafflecopter for additional entries. For me, Home is where my dreams grow.

Giveaway closes June 4th. Good luck.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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