Life Lately
Life has been a little bit crazy lately as you can probably tell by the lack of posting around here. Isn't that kind of the norm for this time of year? We've got two weeks left of school before we jump into summer so our days have been a whirlwind of year-end activities, conferences and work trips, getting the cottage ready, and working hard at getting BlogPodium organized before the lazy days of summer take hold. I thought I'd share some of what I've been up to lately...
I attended a conference in Niagara On The Lake and came upon this stunning inn. I love the Dutch Colonial architecture and the cedar shingles. It's so perfectly suited for a city by the lake. Although, from the interior, the angled roof lines would probably drive me nuts. I like my ceilings straight, please.
We attend the Shaw Festival while at the conference and I came upon this very tranquil scene outside. This would be great inspiration for a sunroom overlooking an outdoor pond or pool. It reminds me of HandyMan's childhood home.
Every time we visit the cottage, we make sure to do three things: have ice cream at Slickers, sleep in, and stay up late by the campfire. Is there such a thing as cottage time? Because when there's a fire on and marshmallows to be had, there's no way I'm getting Chloe (or me, for that matter) in bed before 10pm. We're pretty serious about our marshmallows here. I bought three of these when we got the cottage, ha!

I am obsessed with taking photos of farm animals and barns of late. I'm planning to use my own photography to display as art around the cottage so we've been randomly been stopping by the side of the road in the County so I can take photos. These country cows have been pretty helpful and walk right up to the fence to pose for me.
Sheep are a different story though, because where there are sheep there are sheep dogs. Once Sean dropped me by the side of the road to take photos while he went a few houses down the road to check out an estate sale. By the time he came back, a sheep dog had chased me and my camera away, barking like crazy at the fence. I was so scared I waited on the other side of the road, ha! You can take the girl out of the city but you can't take the city out of the girl ;)