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The Love List

Did you know there was a new Restoration Hardware offering called RH Teen? I need this desk situation for myself

Carmel's clothing collection approach is brilliant (and much needed here since the husband has been complaining I'm starting to infringe on "his" side of the closet). This casual yet polished blouse (I have it in the coral) definitely would stay in my collection.

Oooh, moody pumpkins

This cozy bed makes me want to run out and buy linen bedding

The One Room Challenge is starting again. Blogland is going to get crazy (in a good way!) over the next six weeks.

An interesting look at blogging photography. Just for fun, here is a photo I shared in 2010 and one from 2013. Looks like I finally figured out how to use the white balance and shoot with natural light ;)

Great blogging tips from successful bloggers

A bright and airy room transformation

I like Jen's new DIY headboard. This DIY upholstered headboard is pretty cute too.

It's Thanksgiving here this weekend. Our regular crowd (and by crowd I mean 40 of my relatives) likes when I make this dish and Sean makes this dessert for the potluck dinner.

Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians!

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