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The Cottage Diaries: Who Do You Decorate For?

And in an instant, it feels like fall, doesn't it? The blog world has already quickly shifted over to fall decorating but I still have my head firmly planted in summertime. Cottage time, to be exact. I've started to gather and purchase furnishings for the cottage and it had me thinking about decorating. Purchased home or rental, decorating for resale or decorating for today, a lot of factors go into deciding what you put into your surroundings.

Our cottage can be rented out, if we choose to do so. Or, it can stay that escape for our family that we've dreamed of. And here's the dilemma... should it be a place to indulge my lakehouse/farmhouse/cottage decorating fantasies - or a place meant to be enjoyed and worn, filled with the happy memories of dozens of friends and strangers? It's a tough choice and I encounter it every time I think of buying something!

When I decorate for myself, I want items that are high quality and long lasting. I want them to be stylish and appeal to my transitional tastes. They need to feel as good as they look. But when I'm decorating for a renter, I want durability above style. I want colours that don't fade, materials that can stand up to wear and tear, and surfaces that are easy to clean. When decorating for a renter, style can't be too outlandish or personal. Things can't be too precious or too expensive to replace! 

You run into the same dilemma when you decorate for resale. Do you put up wallpaper because you love it, or hold off because you don't want to scare of potential buyers? Do you expand your master bedroom or keep that spare bedroom that neighbourhood buyers seem to want? You can't please everyone and there's no right or wrong; it's a matter of personal choice. But I'm always fascinated by the choices people make when it comes to their homes. Who do you decorate for?

P.S. We went with the cream sofa for the cottage ;)


We're heading into the final days before BlogPodium so I'll be taking a bit of a blog break. See you back here soon!

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