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Falling for Country Life in Prince Edward County

Summer is in full-swing around here. You could probably tell by the lack of posting! If you follow me on Instagram, you saw that we escaped city life for a few gorgeous days in the country. It wasn't entirely idyllic. The first few days were rainy and cold and we spent more time in track pants and hoodies than swimsuits but none of that really matters as long as you're on vacation.

country life old bicycle

We've been out to Prince Edward County before yet every time we find something new and enjoyable that makes us think we could happily trade in the convenience and buzz of the city for the slower pace of country life.

Do you ever dream of moving to the country?

It's a dream so many of us share. And the faster life gets, the more I seem to crave that chance to get away from it all. Here's my list of the Top 12 Experiences of Country Life:
  1. Driving down country roads, not caring how long it takes you to get to your destination
  2. Picking up ingredients for that night's dinner from the farmer's stall at the side of the road
  3. Heading to town for dessert at the only ice cream shop open past 7pm
  4. Eating all your meals out on the porch
  5. Starting conversations with strangers everywhere and anywhere
  6. Braking for Antiques signs and bargain hunting like it's your job
  7. Having friends drop by unannounced. Your door was unlocked anyway
  8. Where dressing up means wearing your clean sandals
  9. Falling asleep to the sound of the crickets and waking up to the chirping of the birds
  10. Being a stone's throw away from a lake, pond, stream, or marsh at any time
  11. Swooning over all of the wrap-around porches and pretty farmhouses
  12. Getting to enjoy the simple beauty of a blade of grass or a stunning sunset on a daily basis

country life summer sunset

What are some of your country favourites? Do you have a favourite country town? I love hearing about small hamlets and keep a growing list of places I'd love to visit some day.

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