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Exploring Close To Home

One of my favourite things to do in the summertime is take a road trip. It doesn't matter what the destination is. It doesn't matter if you're out of town for a few hours or a few days. What does matter is getting away from it all... the traffic in the city, the emails piled in your Inbox, the technology and gadgets... and trade it for sunshine, quiet and peace, and really living in the moment.

We managed to escape this weekend to the Niagara region. There's something to be said for vacationing close to home. There's no culture shock and you feel relaxed as soon as your car leaves the driveway.

I've been to Niagara Falls many many times before (usually with a visiting relative in tow) but this visit felt a little different. Maybe because it was the first visit to the Falls that Chloe would remember (she's been when she was a toddler) and I could see how awestruck she was. The immense sound of the water... the feel of the spray hitting your face and arms as you walked along. I felt like such a Mom too saying "See that boy standing on the wall to get a photo? Don't ever do that".

"Some day, we'll go ride the Maid of the Mist", I told her. 

But rushing water will only hold a little one's attention for so long. So we went to her happy place and spent a day splashing around and tossing ourselves down watery slides. There was ice cream consumed...

...and walks down quiet streets to admire the pretty old houses and white picket fences.

And at the end of it, we came home. Relaxed. Peaceful. And waiting eagerly for our next road trip.

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