A Parisian Art Splatter Party
A little while ago, we celebrated Chloe’s sixth birthday. We love birthday parties around here. Throughout the year, Chloe shares the millions of ideas she has for her next birthday… a Princess party (again), a fairy party, a gymnastics party, a cooking party. This year, we combined a few of her loves into one colourful Parisian Art Splatter Party.
Up to this point, we’ve always had her birthday parties at home, which I’ve really enjoyed. I set up the food tables early, we create multiple party areas throughout the house, and I get to be as fun and fancy with the food and decor as I want. But when we saw the Splatter Party offered at 4Cats Studio, Chloe knew just what she wanted to do.
This is a party theme you can do at home too so I thought I'd share some of our activities in case you want to DIY your own art splatter party.

This being a splatter party (throwing paint against a canvas a la Jackson Pollack), we knew that the kids were going to get really covered in paint. We provided each child with a men's short-sleeved t-shirt and a cute felt beret to protect their clothes and hair. I get most of my party decor here. One thing we should have done too is told kids to wear flip flops. The paint gets everywhere!
The kids started off with a small paint spinner project which everyone enjoyed. Then they moved on to the big fun...

I made a little place card for each child with mini-easels from the dollar store. It was mid-afternoon so food was simple with finger sandwiches, cheese and crackers, fruit, and rainbow jello. How funny that I didn't set out to make rainbow jello... I wanted blue, white, and red jello but couldn't find white so settled for yellow, not realizing that (of course) the three primary colours will naturally form a rainbow! Serendipity, I think.