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Spooky or Not? A DIY Marquee Pumpkin

halloween graveyard

Despite the appearance of a graveyard in my front yard, I'm not usually keen on decorating for Halloween. Carve up a pumpkin, make a costume, and buy some chocolate treats and we can call this holiday done. But then I had a little girl, who, it turns out, LOVES Halloween. She managed to convince her Dad to stock up on all the scary stuff the Dollar Store and Michaels had to offer (okay, maybe it was the 70% off sign) which explains why there is a plate of fingers and eyeballs outside. Most unappetizing hors d'oeuvres ever.

halloween graveyard

Bravado aside, Chloe is still a little girl so there is a bit of sweetness mixed in with our spooky. She insisted that the perky scarecrow stand in the graveyard and I came up with a non-creepy pumpkin to welcome the wee ones.

diy marquee pumpkin

halloween graveyard

We have a thing for using power tools on our pumpkins. I don't have a tutorial but basically all you need is a drill and a string of mini lights to make this marquee pumpkin. Just make sure not to drill the holes too big or the lights will fall out.

diy marquee pumpkin

Are you ready for Halloween? Do you decorate or are you happy to have your house looking not so haunted?

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