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The Love List

Let's start Friday with these pretty flowers. I think I'll have this image blown up and display it on my desk, or maybe I'll photoshop it and make it into a desktop background. Pretty flowers don't last long in real life around here, ha!

Sometimes, I could use a little box like this.

This is so smart. I'm always stuck on where to store the rolling pin.

Library ladders are where it's at. I'm digging Nicole's wooden one and this brass one.

Chris and I got our DIY on at the RYOBI blogger event. Normally, I find power tools a little heavy but these were just right. They felt good, looked good, and were really powerful. In 20 minutes (and three split pieces of wood, ha!), I made this. I highly recommend them if you're in the market for tools!

These DIY painted pillows look pretty awesome. Found via Danielle.

I need more warm potato salads in my life.

We saw a preview of Blended for date night last week. It was really good (though seeing Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore all grown up as responsible parents made me feel somewhat old)

An intriguing story about toast.

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