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Reviving An Old Porch

I guess I'm not the only one surfing the real estate sites on a regular basis. So many great comments on my last post! Thanks for all your input - you've given me a lot to think about. I'm not sure when we'll make a move but even talking about a move has had an unexpected side effect: I'm inspired to tackle more projects on this home that we still do very much love.

Porch Decor Ideas

With the warm weather lately, we've been able to enjoy some meals outside. That has made me even more aware of the sorry state of our back porch. Here's a pic I posted of the porch two years ago and nothing much has changed... 

... except the stain has continued to flake off, some of the lattice below the deck has broken apart, and the cushions are starting to fade due to frequent washings (darn racoons like to lounge and leave us not-so-nice presents on the bench. Argh).

But at least the banquette we made and the furnishings are a good foundation to work with. I don't want to make any structural changes to the deck but focus more on inexpensive cosmetic changes like a coat of paint and using decor items I already have. 

Decorating An Outdoor Room

  • I have a few vintage metal signs that we've never used. I think they could bring a retro Canadian touch to the space.
  • the banquette is a great space to take a nap, if its not too hot out. I think curtains could add some softness and could act like a mosquito barrier on late summer nights.
  • the place needs some paint! So far, I'm thinking charcoal grey for the floor and everything else a crisp white
  • metal chairs could provide extra seating on the other side of the deck
  • I have ticking stripe fabric in my stash that I could make into five-minute pillow covers. The pillows could be stored in a woven basket when not in use.
  • pretty mercury glass lanterns add a bit of sparkle at night

That's the plan anyway. I'm completely daunted by all the prep work that needs to be done before I even get to the painting stage. I think I'll have to start soon though, before the really hot whether kicks in!

How about you? Do you have any outdoor projects on the go?

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