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The Love List

Things have been quiet around here. You've noticed? So sorry for that but I am buried under a ton of work. Hopefully this extra long Love List will make up for my absence ;)

Sometimes, I think to myself in French too.

Such a sweet, sweet nursery. I like her name too.

Martha is coming to Canada!!!

I'd like a pony ride at my birthday too, please.

Zara Home opened its first store in North America this week - it was the most beautifully merchandised space. Here's what I saw in store.

I made this big announcement over on BlogPodium's blog. Eeeek! I love her.

A cute way to celebrate Back To School.

The fastest bathroom makeover ever (and it turned out sooo pretty!)

Our bathroom got a little feature in 24Hours newspaper (Thanks Jami!). You can read it online here, click August 15 on the calendar, page 16.

An instagram love story.

Advice for mothers with daughters (read the comments!)

I'm crushing on gold foil lately.

A chic home office

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