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Seen + Scene

A few random snippets of life lately...

I was invited to the Indigo holiday preview and I wanted to buy every.single.thing! Indigo has always been one of my favourite stores and brands but they have really developed an outstanding collection of lifestyle products. I need these pillows in my home. See more pics on my Facebook page.

I've been taking Ashley's SnapShop phone photography course and ohmigosh, lightbulbs are going off. She has such simple yet effective tips. For some reason, you would think taking photos with your iphone is easy (let the phone do the work for you!) but there is a real art to it. I'm learning how to use light and I'm quite pleased with how this photo of my niece turned out. Now I just need to practice more.

I've haven't had a chance to do many DIYs lately so I was happy to get my hands on a paintbrush and drill this weekend. Here's a sneak peek of the "make believe station". I'll be revealing the whole thing later this week. Eek, I'm so excited for you to see it!  CityLine came by to film me building this little project on Friday so you'll get to see the how to's when it airs on September 16th. 

And how was your weekend?

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