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A Summer Weekend

If you live with warm temperatures year round, summer weekends might seem like ordinary days to you. But here in Toronto, where the heat lasts only three or so months out of the year, we have the need to squeeze every bit out of summer we can. That's why I love weekends spent out in the sunshine, falling in bed exhausted from all the fun we've had.

We made our first visit to Kempenfest. It offered everything you would want out of a summer's day: a giant playground, arts & crafts, pony rides, cotton candy and sno cones, warm beach and cool breezes. No wonder the kid needed a nap.

There were even some antiques to keep mom and dad happy. After some encouragement by instagram friends, I went back and picked up the grand elk. He will look awesome beneath my Christmas tree. (Yes, I said Christmas again). Even Chloe got into the thrifting spirit. She insisted on bringing home the floral painting... I might have used her cute face to get a bargain ;) Now that's what I call a good day.

One more day left in this Canadian long weekend. Spend it wisely friends!

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