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Basement Window Blinds

I know, I know, there has been a lack of home decor posts around here. What's up with that? Well, with the craziness of BlogPodium planning (its two months away folks! Get your ticket now!), the searing hot temperatures which make me lazy and want to do nothing but eat popsicles all day, and the desire to just enjoy the few sunny days when I can, not much is getting done. I don't know how you bloggers in the southern US do it... I would be seriously unproductive if I lived in Texas!

Basement Window Blinds

Yes, I'm breaking a cardinal blogging rule and posting a grainy nighttime photo

We did manage to get the basement bathroom situation dealt with. It was a situation because (a) I didn't want the same relaxed roman blinds we had in the rest of the basement, and (b) I was resistant to the idea of faux blinds. 

Update: check out THIS post for more basement window covering ideas

But after weeks of delaying and not finding a solution, I finally caved and we got these faux wood blinds. I have to admit, they do look pretty good with the beadboard. Now all we have to do is find a mirror we can agree on and deal with the shower glass situation (the temporary shower curtain solution just isn't cutting it). And then - maybe then! - I can finally share with you full photos of the basement bathroom. But don't hold your breath ;)

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