Wall Storage and Room For Play
I've been dreaming about Chloe's bedroom for a long time. Long before we made plans to move her to a new room, I had ideas floating in my head of what I wanted her 'big girl room' to feel like... dreamy, sweet, a place for her imagination to grow.

The room is small, only 8'x11' so we've had to use space wisely. My original thought was to get this lovely teal desk and put it along this wall. It would be a fun place for Chloe to sit and draw, put on pretend makeup, and eventually, do her homework.
But she is only four years old and homework days are still years away so maybe a desk wouldn't be the best use for the space right now. We tried putting the costume closet here but it was too bulky and made the room feel cramped. The best solution was to leave the floor space open and use the vertical space of the wall.

Chloe's bed is from Pottery Barn Kids so we went with this simple shelf and peg rack which aren't too matchy-matchy but have the same feel as the bed. I wanted a shelf with some heft and weight to it, something that could house a changing collection of art, keepsakes and treasures. Keeping the shelving all white helps it blend into the wall and not add anymore visual clutter.
My vintage paint-by-number art finally found a home. I painted the frames with mint leftover tester paint which really freshens up the artwork. I like how the art verges between being kitschy and cool :) The peonies are from our garden, the blue and white vase from HomeSense, and I bought the Let's Be Adventurers print from Danni of Oh Hello Friend when I met her at the One of a Kind Show. The metal letters are from Orling & Wu, one of our favourite stores in Vancouver. The white and blue tin used to hold stroopwafels. Have you ever eaten one? So so yummy.

Knowing that Chloe would be playing on the floor, I began searching for area rugs. My first stop, as always, was Rugs USA. I've been extremely pleased with both the price and quality of the rugs I bought for the basement and #RockTheRental so there was no question I'd shop there for a fun, colourful rug for Chloe's room. I ended up selecting the Rugs USA Tuscan Terali Moroccan Trellis Rug in green. Its just fabulous, very plush underfoot.
There's a few more pieces needed to finish this room off... the bench cushion and drapery, some artwork. I'm still undecided about her bedding too. I bought her a duvet cover that she just loves but with all her colourful toys and costumes back in the room, things are feeling a bit too colourful! I need to add some quiet neutrals and solids in there. I just hope Chloe doesn't veto what I pick out - she already has her own design opinions! Wonder where she gets that from ;)