The View From Here
I've been chained to my desk these days. Planning for BlogPodium 2013 is at full tilt and finally I was able to share some of the news of my team's efforts.
I was thrilled to finally announce that Sarah Richardson will be one of the Keynote Speakers for BlogPodium. Four years ago, I wrote this post. I've been stalking pursuing Sarah for a long long time so to have her involved... it feels good. Really good.
We also announced some of our amazing presenters. One thing I love about creating something like BlogPodium is getting the opportunity to meet interesting and inspiring people. Stephanie Sterjovski is one of those people. I hadn't known much about Stephanie or her blog, but her story is one I needed to hear.
Down in the trenches these days, it can be hard to see why I'm doing what I'm doing. Being an entrepreneur is hard work. Relying on yourself can be terrifying. Stephanie gave me a good reminder that I'm doing this because its what I love to do.

Stephanie gave me this print from her shop and I've made a place for it on my desk. So though there are many days when I barely have time (or remember) to have lunch, days when I ride a rollercoaster of excitement and anxiety, I can pause and take a moment to think a happy thought. I'm lucky to be doing what I love, and that is a very very good thing.