Bulletin Board Makeover
There is so much clutter in my basement these days. I'm not sure why but Chloe is an art-producing machine lately and my craft table is constantly covered in paper scraps, sticker wrappers, and wayward markers. I needed a place to display some of her works of art so I decided to give my old bulletin board a fabric-covered makeover.
This project isn't anything new. There are dozens of corkboard / memo board / pinboard makeovers out there, but here's my take on it. I used leftover fabric and ribbon so it was a $0 project. Even better!
1. Get your corkboard. (I had given this one a striped makeover previously). Measure the opening that will be covered. Cut your fabric slightly larger than the opening. Cut any ribbon trim to fit the four sides exactly.

2. Spray the cork with spray adhesive. Be careful not to get any on the parts you won't be covering i.e. the frame.

3. Apply the fabric and smooth out any wrinkles. Press firmly into corners.

4. Use a utility knife to cut off the excess fabric.

5. Apply hot glue and adhere the ribbon around the edges. (Sidenote: I wanted my ribbon to have a crisp look so for each corner, I cut the top ribbon on a 45 degree angle and applied it over the bottom ribbon which was cut on a straight angle. Because of the stitching, this mitre made it look like the ribbon wrapped around the edges. You can see the effect in the very first photo in this post).
6. Chase down your littlest Picasso and steal their artwork.
It's a small project but I smile every time I look over and see these funny little pictures now. The swimming fish just cracks me up.
Have you completed any small but fun projects in your home lately?