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I took this photo at Chloe's swimming class last week. The viewing area is a floor above the swimming pool and my iphone had a problem focusing across the long distance. But the images spoke to me and I kept them.

I've been feeling a bit blurry myself lately. Do you ever find yourself feeling a little off track? Like you're not quite sure where you took a misstep but you know you need a correction, a bit of realigning? I'm attending Alt Summit next week and that's part of what I'm hoping for - a sharper focus on what I want this blog and my life to be. If you've never been to Alt or any blog conference, I encourage you to go. Last year, I came home invigorated and ready to shake things up. There's something that happens when you're surrounded by other people who understand your speak, who feel passion for your passions. It sparks new fires and makes existing ones burn deeper and brighter. It gives you clarity around your definition of success.

How do you keep your fires burning?

Next week, things will be looking a bit different around here. It's another step towards the clarity I'm seeking. Sometimes you need to let your eyes get all fuzzy so you can focus on what's really important.

Have a great weekend.

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