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The Christmas Tree 2012

I love decorating for the holidays. Well, that's not entirely true. There are parts of it that I thoroughly enjoy but there are others - the struggling with tangled strings of lights, the mess, the repacking - that make me glad this is only a once-a-year event.

One thing I always struggle with though is the colour scheme. I have wayyy too many decorations and its always difficult to choose which colours to go with - I feel like these ornaments only come out of their boxes once a year that its a shame not to use them all! Can you feel decorating guilt? I do. I managed to figure it out though. I started by putting the gold, silver, and bronze ornaments on the tree and instead of opting to keep it neutral like last year or sprinkle in some green like the year before, I went with red and dashes of icy blue...

It feels young and playful. I still overloaded the tree with too many ornaments though ;) I strung three Ikea Julmys mini wreaths across our front windows. I like how they look with the shutters.

Our tree is pretty huge and takes up almost a quarter of the living room. But somehow, magically, it doesn't feel that imposing. Or maybe I'm just distracted by all the twinkling lights?

I have a few more areas around the house to decorate and share with you. I really love how my home feels at Christmastime, all warm and cozy. Now I just have to finish my shopping and get some presents under that tree.

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