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Great Reads Tour 2012, Part I

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I hope you are all enjoying your holidays. I love this time of year... sleeping in, slowing down, spending time with your favourite people. Its also the perfect time to catch up on your reading and this week, you're in for a treat. Over the next few days I'm bringing you the 2012 Great Reads blog tour.

This is the third year for the Great Reads tour (you can see the previous tours here) and I always look forward to putting it together. I've put a bit of a different spin on it this year. Instead of just one post, I've asked some of my favourite bloggers to highlight three of their posts: their most popular post, a post that might have been missed the first time around and deserves a second look, and their favourite post. Hope you enjoy these reads and maybe discover some new-to-you bloggers! So grab a cup of tea, settle in, and enjoy these great reads...

  • About The Blog: by Michelle Hinckley is a lifestyle blog about my pursuit to bring beauty to a house full of men.
  • Most Popular Post: My living room remodel
  • Deserves A Second Look: AV cart turned bar cart.  I seriously use these carts for EVERYTHING! 
  • Favourite Post: Gentleman's Tea Party.  Everyone thought I was a little coo-koo for doing a tea party for boys but it was a huge success and SO much fun.
  • About The Blog: Wicked & Weird is put together by Lisa Mackay, who has always had an obsession with beautiful things and creative thinking. She dedicates ridiculous amounts of time to admiring and showcasing an endless supply of cool and lovely stuff - from design, art, and architecture to music and crafts, with her own creative projects thrown in for good measure. If it is wicked (as in awesome) and/or weird, you will find it on this blog!
  • My Most Popular Post: My most popular post seems to have been the 'behind the scenes' look at my brief fling with fame on the Steven and Chris Show.
  • A Post That Deserves A Second Look: A post that I put a lot of thought and time into was the one where I tried to figure out what exactly appealed to me so much about a house I had seen online.
  • My Favourite Post: My favourite post would have to be my bathroom reveal (because I am proud that I did it super cheap and I still looooove it)

  • About The Blog: design*dump by Autumn Clemons started as a place for me to dump and organize all of my past and current interior design + DIY projects, as well as all of the great ideas and fabulous inspiration that I come across every day. My husband and I are currently building our 6th house, and so I am now chronicling the entire construction and selection progress. 
  • My Most Popular Post: My most popular posts this year are some "older" posts. In fact, this post was one of my very first posts, and this one was written two years ago. This post was the most popular one written in 2012.
  • A Post That Deserves A Second Look: This was a DIY project for an e-design client, and I love the way it turned out!
  • My Favourite Post: This project that i worked on for my sons room
  • About The Blog: Kate's Creative Space is a blog by a mum, wife, career woman and amateur juggler who combines a love of all things crafty with tales of life from my little corner of England.
  • My Most Popular Post: My most popular post is this one about how we discovered fairy doors scattered about the house in the baseboards
  • A Post That Deserves A Second Look: (and also a contender for my favourite ever project) is this one where I made a play kitchen for my young son Harry
  • My Favourite Post: And one of my favourite posts is from the Spring when we kicked off a neighbourhood sunflower-growing race, and invited entries from my blog followers; it was a wonderful day planting our own and then great to see the reaction as people in countries all around the world began planting up and joining in.... we'll definitely do it again in 2013! 

Come back tomorrow for more Great Reads!

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