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Inspired Look: Blue Traditional Holiday

There's nothing that can get you in the holiday mood more than ogling room upon room decked out in sparkly and shiny baubles. I recently had the chance to do just that when I attended the holiday preview at The Bay. Walking down Christmas Street is always a treat and I love seeing what's new in terms of colours and getting some display and decorating ideas.

Brian Gluckstein, who designed two of the four collections, and Arren Williams, Creative Director of Home Fashions gave us the details on this year's offerings. You can check out the rest of the photos (and find out Brian's favourite item) over on my Facebook page. Surprisingly, one of the collections jumped out at me. Every year, the most popular collection is the traditional red & green decor. To keep it fresh, this year they added in some royal blue:

I thought this was really fun, especially if you are a die-hard traditionalist. Its classic but the blue adds an unexpected element. But how do you incorporate the blue into the decorations you already have? Here's a mood board to give you a few ideas.

I am very into plaids and tartans right now (like the ones I'm using for the basement fabrics). This blue & red one is crisp and bold. To keep the palette from feeling too stark, I'd throw in a bluey green teal. Blues always look great against the whiteness of winter, don't you think? Then I'd add some warmth with touches of red but more russet than bright berry red. Using pomegranates is a great way to bring in this colour. I love this look. Its traditional without feeling fussy or granny-ish. I have no blue ornaments in my stockpile so I might have to pick some up!

What do you think? Would you decorate with blue? Do you buy new ornaments or do you like the sentimentality of pulling the same ones out of the box every year?

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