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House Winks

I want to thank you all for your kind comments, messages, and tweets about the BLOGGER STYLE book. It warms my heart to be part of such a supportive community. I hope Sean and I do the subject justice and really show how talented bloggers are. Now to get writing!


Aside from the book writing, yes, there is still a basement renovation going on! But we're getting to the pretty part and the work doesn't seem much like work at all.

As we start to finish things off, I'm cognizant of the fact that we are nearing the end of our room-by-room renovation process which started 5+ years ago when we bought this house. Aside from the exterior and a bit of remodelling for Chloe's big girl room, there isn't much left to do in terms of big projects in this house. With that in mind, I'm enjoying the little things, the finer details. Like picking out new handles and figuring out which curve will feel just right in my hand. Or thinking about tile and mixing and matching patterns. I've come to realize that the details matter; that the things you touch, see, and feel all add up and create your experience of a space.

I like my house to "wink" at me. Does that sound weird? I like little surprises, minute details that bring an unexpected smile to my face.

Such is the case with the broom closet in the basement. I took some time out of a very busy day today to add some stripes. HandyMan wondered why I would bother to spend the effort for "just" a closet. And my thought was this... one day, when the basement is all finished, and I have to go into that broom closet to get the cleaning supplies to clean the bathroom again (ugh)... I will open that closet and the stripes (which by that time I will have forgotten I painted) will make me smile. Because nothing says happy like stripes. And you know what? Cleaning the bathroom that day won't seem as bad :) *wink*

So that's my new mantra... make room for happy surprises. Its always worth the effort.

P.S. Know what else is making me happy? The new Martha Stewart cabinets! Handles, countertop, and toekick coming soon.

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