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BlogPodium Recap

How can I recap BlogPodium? Planning for this event with Lindsay has consumed the better part of the last five months... so fitting it all in into one blog post? Impossible.

I had my mind focused on emceeing duties and keeping things on schedule so I'll have to rely on the posts  from the 188 lovely attendees to absorb more of the learnings. They'll be linked on the BlogPodium site soon, if you want to see what the bloggers thought of the event.

For now, as I rest my weary feet and begin to emerge from this happy BlogPodium haze, I'll share some photos of our day. Thank you to the volunteers, the sponsors, and especially the bloggers... it was magical.

* You can see more of the event photos taken by fabulous Mango Studios here and here, and our photos here.

** You know what this means? We're back in full basement renovation mode. Posts coming your way ;)

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