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Wallpaper for Kids

Let's get back to talking about design, shall we? If you follow me on Pinterest, you'll know that there is one thing I'm obsessing about lately: wallpaper. More specifically, wallpaper for a new room for this little girl (Life List #55):

I know, she needs a haircut.
Yes, I totally just posted a photo I took of my daughter while she was sitting on the toilet. What can I say, the lighting was perfect and I had the camera handy. And two seconds after I took this photo, she said "Close the door Mommy. I need my privacy". She does that kind of thing now. Seriously.

Anyhoo, wallpaper. I've created a pinboard of my favourite options and I seem to be wavering between the flora and fauna look of these:

1 - Osborne & Little (O&L) Paradiso, 2 - O&L Rosabella, 3 - O&L Farfalla, 4 - O&L Perroquet, 5 - Joy Cho Petal Pusher, 6 - Anthropologie Watercolor Peony, 7 - O&L Swan Lake, 8 - Hygge West Daydream Sunshine, 9 - Wallpapercollective Camilla Meijer Rose Yellow

or the more graphic look of these:

1 - Aimee Wilder Clouds, 2 - Wallpapercollective French American Broadway Stars, 3 - Ferm Living Dotty, 4 - Wallpapercollective French American Rialto Grille, 5 - Orla Kiely Multi Stem, 6 - Ferm Living Ferris, 7 - Wallpapercollective Jill Malek Flux, 8 - O&L Coronata Star

Too. Many. Choices. I've tried asking the kid - but she loves them all too! There's definitely one I'm leaning towards but I'll have to see it in person before I make any choices. I find choosing wallpaper stressful, more stressful than choosing paint, because its so permanent, so bold. Paint can recede into the background, play secondary to the art and books and toys. But wallpaper isn't like that. Wallpaper takes centre stage even if the pattern is subtle and simple. Not to mention that this wallpaper will be the one that will be forever embedded in Chloe's memories when she reminisces about her childhood bedroom.

This choice is going to take a while!

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