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A Girl's Room: The Pink Sophisticate

Vanessa and I took a trip to the Primavera trade showroom last week to take a look at some wallpapers I'd been eyeing. It was so fun (geeky design fun). I could spend hours poring over wallpaper books - the colours, the pattern, the sheen! I took home a stack of samples and have been mulling over which one we'll use for Chloe's bedroom. There are so many looks you can achieve with wallpaper so I've put together some moodboards to help me decide.

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First up is Grove Garden from Osborne & Little. I really loved the gold parts of the leaves which reflect depending on how you're looking at them. Since we're planning to wallpaper only one wall, its nice to use a layered, detailed wallpaper like this one to make it really interesting. Pairing the minty green with a range of pink accents, from a pale pinky-coral to a deep fuchsia, creates a look sure to satisfy those pink lovers. Its so easy to fall in the "pink trap" and plaster a little girl's room in basic shades that are saccharine sweet, but the inclusion of bolder pinks gives this look some longevity. I could see Chloe enjoying this room well into her teens.

What do you think? Too adult or just grown up enough?

More looks to come!

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