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Organizing the Small Reach In Closet

So I started the purge. My home office may be organized but my master closet is a whole different story.  

I didn't document the Before before I started tossing things all over the bedroom (no one needs to see that kind of mess). But once I got it into it, it felt good, like a purging of the soul, a shedding of old skin. I have to admit that for most of the last two years I've felt pretty frumpy - the working at home in my uniform of pajamas yoga pants and t-shirts doesn't help. 

 I've sort of lost an interest in fashion and this was no more obvious than in the last few weeks when I've been shopping for outfits for Alt Summit. I was utterly... confused by the shoe stores and clothing stores I went in. I mean platform stilettos are really not my thing. But I plodded on and eventually found pretty things & things that will make me feel pretty.

And then a wonderful thing happened.

I put those new pretty things in my newly organized closet. And the old feeling came back, the feeling of wanting to put on the slightly uncomfortable shoes, the ones with the high heel that made my legs look slim. The feeling of looking at my pretty patterned tops and starting to pair them in imaginary outfits in my head. The feeling of excitement at putting on a dress that makes you feel attractive and feminine and stylish. Those days have come less frequently lately, I have to admit.

I even hemmed some pants that have been sitting unhemmed in my closet for the last year and put all the clothes on matching wooden hangers. It was a closet revolution.

I've put "Wear the pretty clothes" on my Life List now. Organizing not only helped to clean things up but it also put things in focus. Its easy to forget that clothes can impact your view of yourself, your life and world. And at my core, I guess I realize I am the girl who once in a while likes wearing her favourite pink heels even if she is just dropping her daughter off at daycare.

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