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Handmade Gifts

The older I get, the more I appreciate receiving handmade gifts. These gifts are the ones that always stick in my memory... the batch of shortbread cookies our friends give us every Christmas, the hand-drawn art from my nephew, the crocheted blanket I received days before Chloe was born. They're just a bit more special aren't they, these gifts infused with thoughtfulness and effort?

So I've made more of an effort to give some handmade gifts of my own this year. One of these gifts will be going to one of my dearest girlfriends. I have a great group of friends I've known since high school and for the past twenty years, we always find time to celebrate the holidays together and exchange gifts. We're all into baking these days so I decided to sew up a fun apron and put it together with my fave cookie recipe and some cupcake liners and gift it in a mason jar.

I saw this tutorial pinned on Pinterest and gave it a try. This blogger Jona had some really great time-saving sewing tips in her tutorial and it was really easy to follow. I'll have to check out what other projects she's done.

And here's how my apron turned out:

That little one... she is always in motion. She may look a little downcast in this photo, but actually she had just given my leg a hug and said "I love you Mommy". Melts my heart, she does.

What do you think of handmade gifts? Are you making some this year? Any favourites you've received? I'd love to hear about them.

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