Blog Demo Design by Britt Douglas. Powered by Blogger.

Blogger Dynamic Templates

In the four years I've been blogging, I've really only changed my blog layout two times. I don't know how to code so I've relied on pre-made Blogger templates or used a blog designer to make the changes. Recently though, Blogger has introduced some templates which can give your blog a custom look - for free!

Here's how my blog would looking using the new "Dynamic" layouts (look for them in the Template section of your Blogger setup):

Timeslide template
Snapshot template
Sidebar template
Mosaic template
Classic template 
Flipcard template
So fun, right? Obviously these templates would work best if you feature a lot of photos in your posts. My favourite layouts are Timeslide (which gives a preview of posts if you hover over the post titles on the right), and the Magazine layout below:

Magazine displays your current post at full size and then shows a photo preview of previous posts. I like blog layouts where you can get an idea of posts through a visual. The Magazine layout is clean, easy to read and attractive.

If you use Blogger, it might be worth a look and see if you can breath new life into your blog layout!

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