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Feeling Thankful

Its the Thanksgiving long weekend here in Canada, and I'm feeling especially thankful. I've recently had a career change - leaving the IT firm where I've worked as a Project Manager for the last eight years. I haven't really talked about the "real job" here on the blog because, truthfully, it was just a job and nothing that I was really passionate about. It was a good place to develop my skills and I was given some great opportunities... but ultimately, we need to do what makes us happy, right? Steve Jobs reminded me of that.

So what's next? I've been making plans and will pursue dreams that I've been thinking about for the last two years. I can't get too much into the details - partially because I feel like I've jumped off the plane and am not sure if the parachute is working, but mostly because I'm a planner (and a Capricorn) by nature and do a lot of planning before I actually take any steps forward. Cryptic, I know. But rest assured that this little ol' blog will be getting more attention from me so hopefully that means more posts, more projects, more enjoyment for us all.

The world works in mysterious ways and slowly its been whispering to me that I'm moving in the right direction. I can't reach those goals though without the support of this silly twosome behind me. So for this Thanksgiving, I am thankful for the love of my family which gives me the confidence to pursue my dreams. I am thankful for you readers who take time out of your day to drop by my corner of the world and leave such lovely comments. And mostly, I am thankful that I still have the time to "get it right", to find out what I was meant to do, to listen to my heart, to find courage, take risks, and emerge happy and fulfilled on the other side. This blog has given me clarity on just how to do that so thank you for that as well. Exciting times ahead.




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