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Earth Day Canada's Upcycling Challenge

My friend Shannon over at What's Up Whimsy let me know about a fun challenge that you can participate in too!

The basic idea is to make something new out of something old. How fun and easy is that! Not only do I get to save something from going to the landfill, but there's a chance to win awesome power tools from Panasonic too.

Want in? The three project categories are:

You have until November 27th to get your upcycled project done. Sorry, the challenge is only open to Canadians (though I'm sure you Americans care about the environment just as much!) It would be great to see some reader's projects if you participate. Let me know and I'll feature them here on the blog!

As for my project, I already have an idea in mind. It'll involve a little of this...

and some of this...

Any guesses on what I'm upcycling??

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