Pinspirations! Vol.3
Its about this time of year when I start thinking about holidays and celebrations non-stop. Canadian Thanksgiving is in two weeks, then Halloween two weeks after that, and then the cool winds of Autumn shuttle us right into the Christmas season.
With all this fete-ing going on, the DIY projects start picking up too. Whether its putting together a fall mantle or starting on handmade Christmas gifts, I look to Pinterest to give me some inspiration and interesting ideas to set my hands too. This week's Pinspirations! feature some of my favourite DIYers and ideas to spark your creative bug.Kathleen writes a really lovely blog, Twig and Thistle, where she features her own simple but stunning handmade crafts. Her Pinterest boards read the same way - beautiful, unique, feminine, and slightly nostalgic. I really love her DIYprojects, Holidays, and Color Inspiration boards...
Board: Fall Seasonal Decor by Monica Nicholson
A great board full of fun decorating and seasonal food ideas. I love the look of pumpkins under a cloche!
Do you have any fall or holiday decorating projects on the go? What's inspiring you?