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Fall Trends & A Giveaway

In the past few days, my inbox has been filled with designy marketing folks touting their takes on new fall trends. Its interesting to see how similar or differing the opinions can be. Have a look...

Here's four colour stories that InVU Drapery has built their fall collections around. I quite like what they've done in these ads, showing pairings of home and fashion much like some fab bloggers do in their "outfit to room" posts. {Click the images to enlarge}


And here's Style At Home's take on fall trends...

So if I look at the similarities in what the experts are telling me, what's really "in" for fall? Wood (from warm and natural or cool and washed out); Vibrant, rich colours; and Neutrals from cool greys to warm taupes.

I always take this trend talk with a grain of salt. Primarily because in three months there will be a whole new set of trends and secondly because you shouldn't decorate your home just to keep up with what's in - that can be costly and tiring! I guess the thing to do is take inspiration from the pros but fill your home with the things you love. That's one trend you can always bank on to give you great results :)


Interested in incorporating some of these trends into your home? InVU Drapery is making it easy by offering a GIVEAWAY to one of my Canadian readers! (Sorry, my American friends!) You can win a $100 gift certificate to be used at InVU by:

- leaving a comment and letting me know what your favourite trend is
- become a follower of InVU Drapery on their blog, twitter or facebook and leaving me a separate comment letting me know you've done so

The winner will be randomly selected on 9am Thursday, Sept.29th.


Psst... InVU Drapery is also hosting an in-store event, Decorate Your Home For Fall, on Saturday, October 1st between 11am-2pm at the Missisauga location. You just might see me there if you go :)

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