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Pretty Jello (and Tales of Insanity)

Did I tell you that Chloe kinda, sorta, is having 3 birthday parties? No?? Maybe because I didn't want you all to think I was insane.

Party #1 was at daycare. All I did was bake cupcakes for that. 

Party #2, affectionately called "The Nanny Party" was for some neighbourhood friends and their nannies. Chloe gets invited to all their parties so you know I had to do the same. 

And party #3 is for family and friends who we have playdates with. I didn't plan it this way (especially after Chloe's huge shindig last year), but I guess I want to encourage all these relationships Chloe has. I want her to have friends in the neighbourhood, to spend time with her family, to feel a real community around her... so, three parties it will be :o\  Plus I had all this free time and the living room reno wasn't keeping me busy enough (hardy har har!).

Here's a little detail from the Nanny Party. Keeping with the little bug picnic theme, I made some bumble bee jello, alternating layers of lemon and grape jello. 

I thought the cups would look cute served with these wooden spoons from Fort & Field - but how to attach them? I thought of tying them with baker's twine but that would be too time consuming. Instead, I used little pieces of gingham tape - easy, functional, and keeping with the picnic theme. That's the party planning trifecta right there ;)

More party pics to come... that is, if I survive party #3 this weekend!  Happy Friday!

wooden spoons, gingham tape - Fort & Field
mini chalkboard sign - CreativeBag  (Note: I bought these in store. I don't see them online unfortunately)
polka dot tray - Dollar Store

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