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Be My Valentine

When did this happen? When did I become the mom of a toddler who brings home artwork, can babble her teachers' names, and has to bring Valentine cards for all her daycare friends? I swear she was a drooling, crawling little baby just yesterday!

But no, now I find myself at the dining table surrounded by
hermy first little 'school project'. This is one of those things they don't tell you as a new parent. What's the etiquette for Valentines cards? Chocolate or no chocolate? Handmade or store-bought? When I was a kid, cards came in a box and had perforated edges and cartoon images of doggies and kitty cats on them. Somehow, I feel like I need to do more than that (oh gosh, I sound like a 'stage' mom already!). So who does "more" better than Martha, which is where I got this idea:

I took a vacation photo of Chloe, photoshopped it up, and printed it on these leftover tent cards from our wedding. Is there anything cuter than chubby-cheeked profiles of little kids? I think not. Then I added some foil wrapped chocolate hearts, packed them in little bags, and taped it to the cards. First school project done. Do I get an A for effort?


If you're still looking for some Valentine's ideas, here's some great ones here, here, here, and here.

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