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5 Months

Little Miss Chloe is 5 months old today. How did that happen?! I swear it was just a few days ago she came into our life, turning our world upside down. Yet here she is, no longer a newborn. I have never smiled nor laughed or cried or been frustrated or teetered on the edge of exhaustion more than I have in the past five months... and I wouldn't change it for anything.

Nothing compares to being woken up by the sound of Chloe blowing raspberry bubbles and making cheery screeches. She is definitely a morning person, unlike her mama :) She can sit for a few seconds on her own and is a pro at rolling from tummy to back. Crawling should happen any day now and she's always drooling so I'm expecting to see some teeth soon. She responds when you call her name and definitely has a way of getting your attention too! But she's mostly laidback and patient, and endures Mommy and Daddy schleping her around town to the hardware store, on long day trips, and shopping excursions. She sleeps a full twelve hours at night with only two 5-minute feeds, so we never complain when she demands to be in bed by 7pm.

So though it has taken us all summer to build that radiator cover, and we never got to redecorate the back deck, nor start on the bedroom reno...progress has been made. We've become parents. We've become a family. What more could we hope for than that.

One week...

One month...

Two months...

Three months...

Four months...


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