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House Changes Two Years In

Wow, has it really been two years since HandyMan and I moved into our new old house? That means it has been two years and then some since I started blogging about our adventures in finding, buying, and renovating this house of ours. 

When I started this blog, HandyMan and I were engaged, planning a wedding, and living in my condo with only a few power tools to our name. Sure, we had done some work on HandyMan's old condo - laid down some floors, paint, tile - but we really hadn't earned our renovating chops yet.

The Befores

house renovation before and after

With this house, we've really had a chance to design, build, and sustain a few cuts and bruises along the way. 

We've touched most spaces in the house - the entry, the dining room, kitchen, bathroom, office, deck, garage, and spare bedroom. That leaves the basement which contains the second bathroom and the laundry room and the two most used rooms in the house (the master bedroom and the living room) untouched. Okay, not entirely untouched (we just couldn't live with the previous owner's pink carpet!) but our bedroom and the living room really aren't fit for public viewing... yet!! 

We've decided to start working on our master bedroom next so stay tuned :) In the meantime, here's a look back at our house transformation so far.

The Afters!

house renovation before and after

I love how, with a bit of effort and thought, it doesn't even look or feel like the same house :)

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