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Finding A Balance

Some readers asked for a pic of mom and dad with baby Chloe so here are my favourites. Even with all the photos I've already taken the past week, I think these two will always hold a unique place in my heart. They capture a very special moment in time and were taken in the first few hours of her life. You can't see them, but there are definitely tears in each of our eyes in these photos.
I'm still trying to figure things out these days... figure out the feeding schedule, figuring out what her cries mean, figure out how to comfort her. And figure out what direction to take this blog. I don't want to turn this into "The Chloe Chronicles" and become one of those moms who does nothing but drone on and on about how special their little one is. This is a home blog after all and though I still get excited talking about wallpaper and fabric swatches and plans for renovating the deck - there's a little girl who has captured my attention and completely enthralled me. I hope to find the balance over the next little while and hope you'll stick around for the ride. I'll be showing pics of the oh-so-sweet nursery curtains and banquette cushions in the next post, if that helps ;) Home, baby, renos, marriage, love... its all one in the same now. I kinda like that. :)

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