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Pecha Kucha @ Interior Design Show 2009!

No reno work today.... because HandyMan and I are off today to host a Pecha Kucha at Toronto's premier design event, the Interior Design Show! What's a Pecha Kucha? Its a fast-paced presentation featuring 8 of Toronto's hottest designers, artists, and architects. Each presents 20 slides, each slide for 20 seconds. Its quick, dynamic, and unpredictable :) Our emcee is Arren Williams, stylist/editor/reporter whose work you may have seen on TV on CityLine or in print in Canadian House & Home and Style At Home.

We're lucky to be working with IDS and bringing the Pecha Kucha concept to their event for the first time. If you're in Toronto and a fan of design, most definitely make a trip out to IDS this weekend!

P.S. We return to our regular reno schedule tomorrow. Can't wait to get some paint up on the nursery walls :)

P.P.S. I was so so so close to getting my design idol Sarah Richardson as a presenter for this Pecha Kucha. I won't stop doing these things until I finally get her to appear at one, lol.

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