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Taking Stock of 2008

Can it be that time of the year already? A time when we take a step back and see how far we've come in a short twelve months. All in all, HandyMan and I managed to get a lot of things marked off our To Do list... though I feel we sort of planned 'on the fly' and priorities got shifted. 

If you had asked me last December what rooms we hoped to fix up over 2008, I would have said the living room and master bedroom. And guess what - those rooms weren't even touched!! But that's okay, because we did manage to do some other things:

Now that I look at this list, I can't help but think... ARE WE INSANE!? Obviously HandyMan and I have no life outside of our house, lol. So I'm going to make a new resolution for next year... next year, we're going to stop and smell the roses. We're going to enjoy these spaces we created and live in them. 

We're still going to finish the bathroom and do the guest bedroom/nursery and finish the back deck... but I promise, somewhere along the way, we'll put down the hammers, put our feet up, and relax - because what's the point of it all if we don't ever just stop and enjoy it?

Here's to 2009, a year to live a simpler and quieter life. Happy New Year!!

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