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Happy Father's Day

Its Father’s Day this weekend and we’ll be spending it with the Wanderluster clan. I never had the chance to know Papa HandyMan but if he were here, I would have to thank him for all the things he taught HandyMan about building a house. I’ve heard that Papa H was a passionate, impulsive, gregarious individual who never hesitated to attack life (or a house!) with fervour and determination. I see this clearly in his son. HandyMan learned how to build walls, install floors, paint rooms, lay bricks and tiles, grout, seal, strip, saw, and so much more at his father’s hip. In a way, our house wouldn’t be what it is if it wasn’t for those lessons learned. From my own father, I didn’t learn much about house building but I’ve learned a whole lot about building a home. My dad is the one who would take us to the symphony as kids –unusual for an immigrant family living in small town Ontario in the 1970’s. He’s the one who would drive down our street, picking up all sorts of neighbourhood kids, and take us to the community pool, asking for the “Family” admission price. And he’s the one now who teaches my nephews how to plant a vegetable garden, how to fly a kite, and how to build a rocketship out of cardboard boxes. From him, I’ve learned that there are no limitations... anything I imagine, I can achieve.
So thanks to our dads… you showed us how to put a roof over our heads and clouds beneath our feet. Happy Father’s Day.

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