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HandyMan's Room

I never posted about this but this is actually the first 'room' we finished renovating in the new's HandyMan's garage. I say "his" garage because while I get to use the tools (especially the router - the one tool HandyMan is happy to let me become the family pro on), I know that the space is his domain. The layout, the organization, the lighting... this is one space where HandyMan has made all the decisions. "Wall mounted can-crusher" is not even in my design vocabulary, lol.

I don't have any Before pics, but the only thing in the garage when we got the place was the wooden bench at the back. And it wasn't even functional! The lower shelf was two inches too short to stick recycling bins under, and there was no way to fit the mobile table saw and toolbox either. But that's been fixed now. This is also a "green" garage -- most of the materials were recycled from HandyMan's office move. Can you believe that all that shelving and the lights too were going to be tossed out? Okay, maybe not the lights...I'm sure the electrician who dismantled them would have had them up on eBay in the blink of an eye.

We're just waiting for the weather to turn a bit warmer and then we can start working out there more. Maybe in the fall we put some insulation in and drywall up and make it a year-round space.

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