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Christmas Decorations 2007

Its our first Christmas in our new home and HandyMan and I couldn't be more excited. The dining room will hopefully be done before the holidays and we can do a proper job of hosting a few parties over the coming weeks.

The wainscotting is in and looks absolutely amazing. Craftsman Shutters did a steller job... the plantation shutters in the dining room and living room really add warmth and traditional detail to the house. And their timing couldn't be more perfect! We've just had the biggest snowstorm so far this year and HandyMan was outside 3 times today to shovel the foot of snow that's fallen in the last 24 hours. The shutters are doing a good job of keep the inside nice and toasty, while framing a perfect view of the gentle snow outside.

Being cocooned in the house, we had a chance to get all our Christmas decorations up. The tree went traditional while the dining room went oh-so-mod.

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